Baby Steps to the Building Blocks of Web Design

With the imminent arrival of baby number one to the Web Design High Wycombe family, we have been exploring the resources available for educating our little ones on all things web design.

HTML for Babies:

This bold, colourful 16 page board book was the first in a series of web design books for babies created by a Dad for his little one. The book is bundled with positive phrases, wrapped in HTML mark up tags.


CSS for Babies:

This 16 page book is designed to hold the interest of your little one with its colourful, board pages. It shows little ones how to display HTML elements with CSS and educate them to understand visual patterns and symbols that create the fundamental building blocks of the web.

Web Design for Babies:

This 14 page board book introduces basic code concepts and explores the interactive world of web design in vibrant colours. With lift-the-flaps, imaginative characters and beautiful illustrations the book will have your little one mesmerised.

Our Verdict…

A great range of books for us Geek Dad’s (and Mum’s) that dream of educating our little ones in all things web. However, with web languages constantly evolving, how quickly it is for babies to master the true HTML, CSS and Javascript concepts will remain to be seen… Rather than running before we can walk, mastering the use of a mouse is perhaps the first lesson to be tackled.

Visit Code Babies for more information about introducing new eyes and ears to the concepts of web design and let us know if these teaching techniques work for you.